Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Is Rachel Dolezal a Narcissist?

You know how it goes...once you've learned to identify something, you see them everywhere.  For instance, once I saw one bluejay in the park, I started seeing them every day I went to the park.  It's just being alert to their existence.  Now, I am aware of narcissists, I have read up on their traits...but, still, I am not a psychologist or a therapist.  Soooo, no, I don't know whether Rachel Dolezal is a narcissist or not.  But, she seems to have some traits.

1) Biggest trait of all: she cannot admit she is wrong.  The whole world knows that she is not African-American by birth (even if some are befuddled by her BS about being transracial).  Yet, she is fine going on national television and declaring that there is no proof that Lawrence and Ruthanne Dolezal are her biological parents.  In other words, she is so determined to be right that she is willing to disclaim her own parents on national tv.

2) She co-opts the pain of others.  Obviously, she co-opted the pain of black Americans.  She co-opted their pain, then she became an authority.  When she was outed, she then co-opted the language and the suffering of the transgender community.  That bit where Dolezal claimed that she draw herself black as a child: children who identify as the opposite sex do this.  Or how she talked about being isolated, alone, and thought she would one day be able to become her self-proclaimed identity in public: again, from the transgender community.  The part that really got to me was when she came near crocodile tears saying she finally read about Caitlyn Jenner.

3) Acting a role.  Not the race role, but the "poor me" role.  It's too convenient.  Dolezal waits as long as she can before she says anything about her race.  It's as though she waited for as many think pieces and articles to come, then read all the ones that were sympathetic, and then coalesced the language into a PR role for herself.

4) Drama queen.  The appropriate place for Dolezal to first talk about the situation after her parents showed her birth certificate would be with the NAACP.  In fact, she cited the NAACP as the reason why she was waiting to do interviews.  Yet, when Dolezal resigned from the NAACP, she did not explain why she had disguised herself as a black person during the time she was president for the Spokane chapter.  The very people to whom she owed an explanation did not receive one.  Instead, she preferred the larger stage of national tv.

5) Using people.  Her parents are dropped because they are inconveniently black.  The adopted brother who is complaint is used as her oldest "son".  The other adopted brothers who don't want to play along are told to keep their mouths shut.  An elderly, affable black friend becomes her "father", to be posted as such on Facebook.  Does she genuinely care about any of them, or are they all to be used as props to her story?

6) Insinuating blame on others.  During one of her national tv interviews, Dolezal said how her parents did what they did because it would make her life inconvenient.  In truth, the reason why this all happened was because Dolezal might have fabricated a hate crime.  The Spokane media got in touch with Lawrence and Ruthanne Dolezal as part of their investigation into the hate crime story.  But, of course, it's now convenient for Rachel Dolezal to blame her parents rather than seeing how making up crimes for one's own personal gain can have unintended consequences.

7) Lies.  Can we even count how many have been uttered by this woman?  Race is the tip of the iceberg.  She lied about her father not once, but at least twice.  She lied about her oldest "son".  She lied about being whipped as a child.  She lied about being born in a teepee.  She lied about living in South Africa.  She most likely lied about hate crimes.  She lied about her hair.  She deserves not to be believed.        

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled upon this article because I too have been able to spot the narc due to extensive research. And after watching her Netflix movie I would agree that she seems to suffer from narcissist personality disorder. Lack of empathy, playing the victim role, and her overall role play of being a black women. It was an act. You most certainly can be white and like other stuff but she clearly doesn't know who she is. Narcs lie, but mostly to themselves. I just feel bad for her son(s). She certainly checks all of the narc boxes.
