Sunday, August 9, 2015


My sister's writing about our mother has been much on my mind lately.  I think in particular about what she wrote:

I would also like to believe that her (our mother's) words came from a place that contains no malice, no ill-will, but from that crevice where we lack easy access to other words, to words of sympathy, words of understanding. I would like to think that I have the fortitude to withstand these words without suffering too many bruises.

While I don't always agree with my mother, I do not see her as someone who treats her children with malice.  Yet, my sister's words lingered in my mind and I began to wonder if this is the way she views the world, if the world always seems threatening, harmful to her.  

Sympathy is a double-edged sword.  I fear to sympathize with my sister.  When we were in contact still and I tried to understand her position, to convey some sense of giving due consideration to her, my goodwill was often twisted back upon me.  

To give an example: prior to the big argument that felled our relationship, we had been in the midst of discussing a potential family trip -- my sister, me, and our parents.  However, given how strained our relationship was growing, I finally wrote to my sister that I didn't think I could go.  I suggested to her, thinking it might please her, that she might consider taking her boyfriend along so that the nonreturnable plane ticket wouldn't be wasted.  She responded back in email in angry words about my presumption to suggest such a thing.

Yet, this was when we were in contact.  I am no longer in contact with her yet I fear to sympathize with her, even if such sympathy would not be communicated to her.  Why is that?  Do I fear to understand her?  Would that take away my anger?  Would it take away from my justification for anger?

If I felt pity for her, without being in contact with her, would that cost me so much?  Reading about the malice she imagines my mother might feel for her, I do feel badly for my sister.  Her mind sees only harm.  It seems like such a suffocating way of existing.  Is pity so hard?  

For those who read this and are in a similar situation, can you offer some thoughts?  I would appreciate any reflection on what sympathy means in a relationship with a narcissist.    

Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Blame Game

This spring my parents moved to the same city as my sister, something to do with getting away from the brutal winters in the Northeast (and, yeah, it was pretty bad this past year).  My sister has a bit of a smothering tendency towards my parents, but one that fluctuates with extreme degradation when it fits her agenda.  As I've written previously, my sister has worked hard to put our parents in the middle of a situation that concerns only her and me.  In her mind, if only my parents would consent to being her flying monkeys

Alas, my mother -- being a fair-minded woman -- just will not submit.  In a noncommittal tone, my mother's response to my sister's list of grievances against me is that people grow apart.  In her blog (forgive me that I don't link to my sister's blog, but I don't want to risk her finding mine and using it as a pretext for harassing me), my sister writes about how my mother refuses to understand her and how my sister is reduced to tears by my mother's nonchalant behavior.  

The most telling bit is when my mother responds by telling my sister: "You're grown-ups.  You created this fight by yourselves."  My sister then tells the world about, gasp!, my mother's failure!  You got it -- this is all my mother's fault, darn it!  If only my mother had taken charge.  

Then, oddly enough, my sister thinks that she can reinforce the view of my mother as a failure by talking about her weaknesses: 1) she can't drive; 2) she doesn't speak English.  Let me talk first about my mother's English.  It isn't that my mother can't speak English -- she's just not a fluent English speaker.  And who can blame the woman?  She came to the U.S. when she was already in her thirties and while she took some ESL classes in the first few years of our immigrant life, she didn't have access later on when we moved to the South where there were less resources.  Yet, despite such limitations, she picked up enough English to successfully co-own and run two small businesses with my father.  Their customers, practically all of whom she had to communicate with in English, adored her.  She remembered their names, their children, their celebrations and their sorrows.  The customers loved to talk with her because she listened to them on their ground (a trait sorely lacking in my sister).  So, is my mother's English less-than-perfect?  Perhaps in my sister's eyes, but that has never stopped my mother from communicating.

Now, in regards to my mother not driving.  Um, big effing deal.  In all honesty, I don't drive.  I learned to drive when I was in my late twenties and have always been a horrible driver.  I had two car accidents and decided that the world was safer without me behind wheels (I notoriously once crashed a go-kart -- I guess that makes three accidents).  And to expand on that truth, every single person in my family of origin is a horrible, bad driver.  My father drives too slow, my brother drives too fast, my sister drives too fast and frequently stops paying attention while driving. 

But to get back to the point, my sister refuses to accept what my mother said, namely that my sister is partly to blame for the rift between me and her.  As my sister has written to me: "I am sorry.  I don't know what I did so wrong that you are treating me wrong but let's forget it."  The infamous non-apology of a narcissist.  My sister doesn't care what she did wrong.  More likely, she thinks she did nothing wrong.  My mother and me -- we are to blame.  I understand her blaming me but her blaming my mother.  Wow.  Just wow.  

My sister also expands a great deal of effort on her blog on her own sorrow.  Here are some choice tidbits:

 I weigh my efforts to convey the depth of my sense of calamity. I have sobbed in front of her. I've talked to her of how I can no longer trust people, how I couldn't rely on anyone else to stay by my side when my own sister abandons me. I've told her how I'm persistently angry, how I cannot shake this feeling of betrayal.  (Just baffling, I know, why her younger sister who she harassed with fourteen emails and five phone calls every single day, stalked, threatened with destruction of her possessions, threatened with commitment to a mental institution would choose to "betray" her.  I know, my sister was soooo trusting.  She trusted that she could act with impunity and that I would always, always be by her side... you know, because my role is to be the sidekick, the Tonto to her Lone Ranger, Nicole Richie to her Paris Hilton, Robin Hood to her Batman.)   

I now feel like I live my hours on the verge of an impending crisis, of yet another breakdown. How one minor spurn, one signal of rejection, or one careless word is enough to spiral me into a hole of despair. How I feel more like a stranger here on earth, with few friends I feel I can turn to.  How what I now see are inevitable doom, inescapable failure, impending betrayal. (Run for the hills! The apocalypse is coming!)  

And I never thought to question whether they were worth it. That my family was worth whatever effort I put into it. That they were worth however much time I spent with them. That they were worth however much money I spent on them.  (Let's just admit it.  None of us, no one in her family of origin is worth the greatness that is my sister.  I mean, we spent effort on her.  We spent time with her.  We even spent money on her -- although, in fairness, perhaps not as much as she given that she is married to a millionaire and spends his money on the family.)

I would also like to believe that her (our mother's) words came from a place that contains no malice, no ill-will, but from that crevice where we lack easy access to other words, to words of sympathy, words of understanding. I would like to think that I have the fortitude to withstand these words without suffering too many bruises.

Yes, that says it all.  Because god forbid that your mother would ever expect you, as a grown child, to take responsibility for your own mistakes.  What an awful, awful mother.    


Monday, July 20, 2015

Late for Lunch with My Sister

Hurry, hurry, hurry.  The word repeated itself in my head as I ran the blocks of San Francisco's Financial District.  The training session for the new software at work had ended late.  As soon as the instructor finished talking, I had run out of the classroom, not even bothering to stop by my cubicle to pick up my cell phone, and rushed out of the building (or as much as possible, given the slow elevator).  Now, I was practically running through the streets, running uphill towards Golden Star, the Vietnamese pho restaurant where I was supposed to meet my sister for lunch.  Panting, I finally made it to the restaurant, ten minutes late, where my sister didn't bother listening to my blurted apology.

"Where were you?" she exclaimed loudly, her face knotted in anger.  "I tried calling you on your cell and you didn't even bother to pick up.  If you are going to be late, you can at least pick up or call.  I've been standing here, wasting my time."

"I am sorry," I pleaded again.  "The training session ran over and I got here as fast as I could."

"You are wasting my time.  You are so inconsiderate."

"Look, let's just eat, okay."

She didn't let up, not for a second while we sat down, ordered our respective pho and received it from the waitress.  Finally, I said, "You know, you are almost always late.  There are times when I've waited for you for an hour and I never gave you guff over it.  I figured you had a reason."

She finally paused for a minute.  Then, she responded: "I make much more money than you do.  If I am an hour late, that doesn't compare to you making me wait ten minutes.  You make less in ten minutes than I do in an hour.  If you have to wait an hour for me, that's okay.  As an attorney, I bill more in ten minutes than you earn per hour."

"Fine.  If that's the way you feel, maybe we shouldn't meet for lunch ever again.  Let's just eat and leave."

All my life, my sister had groomed me to believe that being late for anything with her was a cardinal sin.  One time she told me that if anyone was fifteen minutes late for any occasion, she thought it appropriate to leave.  Even as I made every effort to be on time with her, knowing that she'd raise holy hell if I was late, she made zero effort.  She was commonly ten to fifteen minutes late for every single meeting with me.  When she laid out the worth of our respective times in dollars and cents rather than in human consideration, I realized that I was always going to be worthless to her.     

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Narcissist in Your Head, Part 2

He [the brother, Yngve] has told me often that Dad had totally crushed his self-esteem on a number of occasions, humiliated him as only Dad could, and that had colored periods of his life when he felt he was incapable of doing anything and was worthless.  Then there were other periods when everything went well, when there were no hitches, no nagging doubts.  From the outside, all you saw was the latter. 
       Dad had also affected my self-image, of course, but perhaps in a different way, at any rate I never had periods of doubt followed by periods of self-confidence, it was all entangled for me, and the doubts that colored such a large part of my thinking never applied to the larger picture but always the smaller, the one associated with my closer surroundings, friends, acquaintances, girls, who, I was convinced, always held a low opinion of me, considered me an idiot, which burned inside me, every day it burned inside me; however, as far as the larger picture was concerned, I never had any doubt that I could attain whatever I wanted, I knew I had it in me, because my years were so strong and they never found any rest.  How could they?  How else was I going to crush everyone?
                                                -- My Struggle, Volume 1, page 358

The above excerpt is from Karl Ove Knausgaard's lightly fictionalized autobiographical six-volume novel, My Struggle.  The first volume deals with his relationship with his cold father who descends from being an impeachable middle-class conformist to an alcoholic.  When his father dies, Knausgaard and his brother, Yngve, drive to their paternal grandmother's house where their father had spent the last few years, and Knausgaard is horrified by the sight that greets him: the once impeccable rooms filled with vodka and beer bottles; dried feces stuck to the furniture; the smell of urine in every part of the house; stacked up to the ceiling is a pile of old laundry, so old that mold is growing in various layers.

What struck me about the words above are Knausgaard's descriptions of how the father's slights lived on within the two brothers.  For the older brother, Yngve, his father's insults "colored periods of his life when he felt he was incapable of doing anything and was worthless"; for Knausgaard, "every day it burned inside me."  In the book's narrative, the brothers are sharing their respective perspectives on their father at his death, over a decade after they had left their father's house.  When Knausgaard started writing the series, he was already in his early forties.  That burning, pernicious memory of his father is what propelled Knausgaard to write his epic novel series.

I don't know if Knausgaard's father was a narcissist, only that his youngest son feared him, so much so that he would listen for his father's footsteps lest he be taken unawares.  That sense of watching someone, like a cornered animal, the wariness, and the possibility of humiliation: it is an apt description for my relationship with my sister as for Knausgaard's with his father.  For years after my relationship with my sister ended, I was convinced that people thought lowly about me.  She had projected her beliefs, her emotions, her fears about herself onto me.  Like a member of a relay team, I in turn projected my sister onto everyone.  Everyone saw the worst in me, like she did.  Everyone thought they had the right to control my life, like she did.  Everyone was out to insult me, like she did.  I had lived for years in a relationship where I was always in a flight or fight mode and I couldn't turn it off.  This has cost me friends and jobs.  There were years where I lived each day automatically, the days turning into weeks, months, seasons...all without me feeling anything.

FOG (Fear, Obligation, Guilt) was the triad of emotions my sister deployed against me.  These feelings, which form a complex web of the primal (fear) and societal (obligation and guilt), helped keep me isolated and under her control.

Fear: She tried to stalk me.  She threatened to destroy my possessions, books I had lent her when we were friendly.  She yelled at me multiple times in public.  Even though she invited me to live with her, when I didn't do the things she thought I should (not that I disrespected her -- I just refused to let her dictate what I did for a living, whom I dated, and whether I could write in my spare time), she threw me out of her house, knowing that I had nowhere to go.  She mocked me in front of her friends.  When our parents visited, she hinted around secrets I had told her about my personal life, pretty much letting me know it was in her power to reveal them to our parents.  She called me at work to curse me.  She would email me at work, sometimes fourteen times in a day.  When I asked her to call my cell phone or email to my personal account, she ignored my requests.

Obligation: During the worst fighting, my sister got engaged.  She held the wedding over my head.  She wrote me, emailed me, phoned -- all with the insistent message that I absolutely must reconcile with her because of her wedding.  She told me that I would make our family look bad.  When I tried to compromise by saying I would attend the ceremony but not the long reception, she raged: "This is my occasion.  You are supposed to be happy for me.  You are supposed to care.  If you don't come to the reception, you can't come at all."

Guilt: She said that unless I changed my job as she dictated, I would be a bad daughter to our parents.  I asked her for her meaning.  She said, "Have you seen how much hospitals cost?  You need to have a million dollars to give Mom and Dad if they are ever hospitalized.  How are you going to do that with your job?"  I asked her, "Do you have a million dollars saved to give Mom and Dad?"  She didn't answer.  If I was late by even ten minutes (although she was always late), she would start ripping into me, telling me how I was wasting her time.   Later, after her son was born, she wrote how she wished he could know me but that she couldn't even tell him about his aunt.  When I got married, a few years after I severed contact with her, she yelled at my parents, telling them they had to make me invite her.  My parents, to their credit, tried.  Yet, in a long angry blog post, she skewered them for not getting that invite, called them weak.

Sigh.  I don't want to live with her voice in my head.  In the mornings, I walk to a park, walk through stretches of man-made wood.  A bird perched on a branch above sings the same note twice, pauses, sings those same notes again.  His song is beautiful, mine torturous.  Many days, I try to remember that her actions are hers alone, that I need not internalize them.  One of these days, my notes will be as clear as the bird's.    

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Is Rachel Dolezal a Narcissist?

You know how it goes...once you've learned to identify something, you see them everywhere.  For instance, once I saw one bluejay in the park, I started seeing them every day I went to the park.  It's just being alert to their existence.  Now, I am aware of narcissists, I have read up on their traits...but, still, I am not a psychologist or a therapist.  Soooo, no, I don't know whether Rachel Dolezal is a narcissist or not.  But, she seems to have some traits.

1) Biggest trait of all: she cannot admit she is wrong.  The whole world knows that she is not African-American by birth (even if some are befuddled by her BS about being transracial).  Yet, she is fine going on national television and declaring that there is no proof that Lawrence and Ruthanne Dolezal are her biological parents.  In other words, she is so determined to be right that she is willing to disclaim her own parents on national tv.

2) She co-opts the pain of others.  Obviously, she co-opted the pain of black Americans.  She co-opted their pain, then she became an authority.  When she was outed, she then co-opted the language and the suffering of the transgender community.  That bit where Dolezal claimed that she draw herself black as a child: children who identify as the opposite sex do this.  Or how she talked about being isolated, alone, and thought she would one day be able to become her self-proclaimed identity in public: again, from the transgender community.  The part that really got to me was when she came near crocodile tears saying she finally read about Caitlyn Jenner.

3) Acting a role.  Not the race role, but the "poor me" role.  It's too convenient.  Dolezal waits as long as she can before she says anything about her race.  It's as though she waited for as many think pieces and articles to come, then read all the ones that were sympathetic, and then coalesced the language into a PR role for herself.

4) Drama queen.  The appropriate place for Dolezal to first talk about the situation after her parents showed her birth certificate would be with the NAACP.  In fact, she cited the NAACP as the reason why she was waiting to do interviews.  Yet, when Dolezal resigned from the NAACP, she did not explain why she had disguised herself as a black person during the time she was president for the Spokane chapter.  The very people to whom she owed an explanation did not receive one.  Instead, she preferred the larger stage of national tv.

5) Using people.  Her parents are dropped because they are inconveniently black.  The adopted brother who is complaint is used as her oldest "son".  The other adopted brothers who don't want to play along are told to keep their mouths shut.  An elderly, affable black friend becomes her "father", to be posted as such on Facebook.  Does she genuinely care about any of them, or are they all to be used as props to her story?

6) Insinuating blame on others.  During one of her national tv interviews, Dolezal said how her parents did what they did because it would make her life inconvenient.  In truth, the reason why this all happened was because Dolezal might have fabricated a hate crime.  The Spokane media got in touch with Lawrence and Ruthanne Dolezal as part of their investigation into the hate crime story.  But, of course, it's now convenient for Rachel Dolezal to blame her parents rather than seeing how making up crimes for one's own personal gain can have unintended consequences.

7) Lies.  Can we even count how many have been uttered by this woman?  Race is the tip of the iceberg.  She lied about her father not once, but at least twice.  She lied about her oldest "son".  She lied about being whipped as a child.  She lied about being born in a teepee.  She lied about living in South Africa.  She most likely lied about hate crimes.  She lied about her hair.  She deserves not to be believed.        

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


I am currently addicted to a Korean drama called Dandelion Family.  One of the main characters is a woman married to a man with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  The husband can well be said to be malignant.  He needs to control every single aspect of his wife's life: her weight, finances, daily movements, what she wears, the food she eats.  Of course, the control happens behind closed doors.  To her family, he is the perfect husband, an amazing son-in-law, a phenomenal brother-in-law.  Even while her every move is being controlled, the wife is uncertain about why she is unhappy because she cannot take apart her husband's machinations.  Finally, he stands revealed for what he is when she discovers he had a vasectomy without her knowledge.  During the eight years they were married, she desperately wanted a child.  When she tells her parents about her husband's betrayal and asks for their help in leaving him, the husband turns the table on her by insinuating to each family member that his wife has been having an affair, that he still loved her, that he would forgive her and take her back.  (If you choose to watch this drama, please do so with caution, particularly if you are suffering from any trauma in the aftermath of a relationship with a narcissist.  I found the husband so believable and creepy that it was hard to watch.)  The wife's family begins to believe the husband and encourage her to return to her husband.

I bring up my tv-watching to talk about the complicated scenario one might face in going No Contact with a sibling.  When I started having serious and continuous arguments with my sister (the multiple phone calls and emails sent to me at work cursing me out), I never sought to place my parents in the middle.  However, my sister thought otherwise.  She immediately called our mother and told her that I was treating her unfairly, that I was angry at her for no reason whatsoever.  When my mother called me, I gave her specific instances of what my sister had done: yelling at me in a bar because she thought she should dictate who I was dating; yelling at me in the street merely because I happened to fall out of step with her on the sidewalk; calling me at work to tell me I needed to quit my job immediately and get a job in an industry that she, my sister, approved of.  My mother then asked me if I couldn't apologize to my sister.  I asked my mother why I should apologize when I hadn't done anything wrong.  She answered that because I was the more compliant one, that my sister was the strong-willed one.

As the problems continued through many years, my mother eventually stopped urging me to reconcile with my sister.  Perhaps the urgency of the situation became clearer when I told her to never give out my address to my sister, that if any harm ever came it me, it would most likely be from my sister.  This is my perspective, but from my sister's side, she still urges my parents to act as mediators.  She still insists that she did no wrong.  She tells our parents she apologized ("I am sorry even though I don't know what I did wrong") but that I refused to accept the apology.  To my mother's credit, she now tells my sister: "What can I do?  You are both adults with families of your own.  Just worry about that."

My mother's neutral answer angers my sister.  My sister has written multiple times on her blog about how "weak" our parents are, how "disgusted" she is with them.  When I first read such posts about my parents, I found myself crying for my parents, sad that they were being publicly derided by my sister for no reason than for not agreeing to abide by her wishes.

After reading my sister's blog post about our parents, I lessened my tone with my parents where my sister is concerned.  I don't ask them to take sides.  I just ask them to not share any of my personal information (address, work location).  I request that they not involve themselves in my problems with my sister.  I think, too, how difficult it would be if my parents had to take sides with one or the other of their daughters.  Inasmuch as possible, I want to spare them that pain.

I also know now that they can never see my sister the way I see her.  To them, she is a dutiful, good daughter.  She has had many years of practicing image-management whereas I rarely prioritized my image.  I always tried to behave sincerely and honestly.  I do not want to change my values and lower myself to my sister's standards and appear more than I am.  I once thought my parents would someday see the pain my sister caused me, and perhaps it is disappointing to not have justice in that regards.  But I'd rather compromise with them than do what my sister did on her blog.  Therefore, I am now content to have a reasonably good relationship with them on other grounds.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I am Not a Saint: Some Thoughts on Forgiveness

Just a few minutes ago, I stumbled across a forum about siblings with narcissist sisters in which some of the posters wrote about working on forgiveness.  I do not forgive.

Why?  Because I do not feel forgiveness in my heart.  In my heart, I feel aggrieved and wronged.  Intellectually, I know I was emotionally abused and that the abuser still writes on her blog about how she did right and I did wrong.  

I have read about forgiveness as being a way to move on, but for me to forgive, I would have to manipulate my emotions and expend a great deal of energy to make them submit.  It would be the opposite of moving on.  

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental illness but it does not mean that the narcissist does not know what she is doing.  There are clear choices my sister made in our relationship.  I move on in knowing that she chooses her self-image over me.  I grieve for the loss of my sister but I rejoice in regaining myself.  It is the self I lost a decade ago when I went to live with my sister, at her invitation, and allowed my every action to be under her control.  This self is valuable, it is precious to me.  Becoming familiar with that self again helps me move on.  

I am not perfect -- I can live with that.  I admit that I am not one of those saints of old who forgave their aggressors even while they were being drawn and quartered, pierced by arrows, broken on the wheel and whatnot.  I give myself permission to not forgive the sister who has not acknowledged her wrongs to me.  I give myself permission to prioritize myself before familial harmony.  I give myself permission to be angry at my sister.             

The Narcissist in Your Head, Part 1

No, I don't mean that you are a narcissist.  But chances are that if you have been abused by a narcissist, an internal loop will keep playing the insults, threats, and insinuations...even for years afterwards.  This is the way it's been for me.  For close to a decade, I reread emails between my sister and me, looking for some logic, some turning point to which I could return and correct our relationship.  I tried to see it the way she said the disconnect happened, that she was well intentioned, that our relationship was important to her.

There were emails in which she wrote, "I am sorry.  I don't know what I did so wrong that you are treating me wrong but let's forget it."  Or the email in which she wrote about how her son would grow up never knowing me and that she regretted that I had only met her husband a couple of times.  Those emails worked to some degree.  I felt guilty: it was as though some one had grabbed me in the guts and were twisting my insides.

What I couldn't understand though was why she insisted she didn't know what she had done wrong.  She had once tried to have our parents put me in a mental institute.  During a period when she kept calling me at work and emailing me vitriolic curses, I asked her to stop because her harassment was causing me to hyperventilate.  The next day, my mother called me, sounding very concerned.  She said that my sister had rang her, saying that I told her I was going to commit suicide and that I needed to be hospitalized to prevent me from harming myself.  Fortunately, my mother believed me when I told her I said no such thing.  As I once wrote in an email to my sister, this is a wrong she did me.

The other part I kept thinking about when I read her email in later years is how she always mentioned her family, her children and her husband -- that I was missing out on being part of her life.  Never once did she ask about my life, about my husband.

So, why did I keep hearing her in my head?  I think it's because it took me a long time to unravel what she was saying.  She always couched her words in terms of our family, of her good intentions.  I am the type to overthink things.  I try to be conscientious, even if I don't always succeed.  She knew her target.

Most likely you are reading this because you also have (or had) a narcissist in your life.  Recognition of the person's illness is the start of letting go of these words.  Once it started to dawn on me what ailed my sister, it was as though my perception of our relationship had shifted, as though I was seeing our past interactions through a different-colored filter.  I understood that my sister never asked about my life, my husband, or anything about me because my value to her was as a spectator to her life.  I saw that my sister decided to deny any wrong-doing on her part because it conflicted with how she viewed herself: perfect.  This idealized sense of herself is more important to her than our relationship.

It is only two months since I started to think my sister was on the far end of the narcissist spectrum.  There are still days when I hear my sister in my head but they are less now.  Many things that have been missing in my life have returned to me: my sense of valuing the present moment; enjoyment in the small things of life such as taking walks, reading novels, cooking; the ability to concentrate; and most important of all, slowly, I am working on my regaining my confidence.  

Monday, June 8, 2015

To Begin

Recently, I realized that I am most likely the younger sister of a woman suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  I've been estranged from my older sister for close to a decade now.  The decision to sever contact with her was not an easy one.  There were times in our lives when we were tight, shared good moments, and laughed together.  I came to a crux in our relationship when my sister insisted that she had the right to dictate who I chose for my boyfriend, a job, and whether I could continue to write creatively or not.  When I replied that I was an autonomous being, she emailed me that I had hurt her feelings by insinuating that she did not allow me a free existence.  She followed up with multiple emails and phone calls, sometimes fourteen emails and phone calls to me at work, each following upon another loudly insisting an immediate response.  This behavior culminated with a threat to stalk me.  She acted upon this threat by showing up at my work place under an assumed name.  

In hindsight, I see how fortunate I was to move to another city.  Yet, my physical distance has not deterred my sister from her behavior.  I do not respond to her emails or phone messages.  She has let me know her displeasure by portraying me on her blog as a cold sister who has estranged her for no good reason.  Herself -- she was the loving sister who did everything for me, without reward or recognition.  Her readers believed her and commented on what an awful sister I must be.  For that, she thanked them.  For years, I felt demoralized and humiliated by what she wrote about me publicly.  It took me a long time to discover the disorder by which my sister has ruled her life.  

This blog is not a revenge blog, although it will most likely have bitter posts.  There will undoubtedly be moments when I will be unable to reflect but will rant and rave with anger.  But I hope that such posts will be interwoven with genuine resources.  Since coming to consider my sister a narcissist, I have spent quite a bit of time looking at other websites, blogs, forums and resources.  In general, most of these resources are dedicated to children of narcissists and those involved in romantic relationships.  If this blog can affirm the experiences of other siblings who have been emotionally or physically abused by their brother or sister, I will have contributed something worthwhile.  

About the user name: I had considered Echo first but it seemed too defeated.  Instead, I chose Athena, a Greek goddess known for so many of the better things in life.  May you too find these better things in life as you journey out of whatever mire and confusion that you might have suffered in the hands of a narcissist.